
Rescue Yoga is looking for Pilates and Zumba Instructors as well as established Massage Therapists.

6 Tips About Getting Hired at Rescue Yoga:

Tip #1 ~ Taking classes at Rescue Yoga and meeting the community is the best way for you to interview us. Come check us out and see if we fit the bill for you. Are we a place you would like to spend your precious time? 

Tip #2 ~ Emailing your resume and not following up is a great way to fall through the cracks. We believe if fitness and wellness is your passion, you will diligently pursue any opportunity to follow that passion.

Tip #3 ~ Credentialism is overrated. Often we overlook credentials for talent and potential. Yes, it is possible to have what it takes without the paper to back it up. Please don't eliminate yourself for lack of education when you are certainly qualified with wisdom.

Tip #4 ~ We feel teaching or becoming a Team Member of Rescue Yoga must not be viewed as a job. When we truly love what we do, we will never call it work. We are a group of like minded individuals helping our community to get progress and results in multiple areas of life. You on board with that? If so, come on in and give us a test drive.

Tip #5 ~ Are you passionate enough about your skill/talent to share it for free? We believe in leading our community by serving our community. Servant Leadership is our occupation. We learn and grow in this area and are good stewards of positions of influence. We pay it forward from time to time by offering free community classes and serving our community. Expect to be asked to pay it forward too.

Tip #6 ~ Have Fun & Feel Great! We want you to have fun at Rescue Yoga. If you are into what your doing, passionate and excited, your students will be too. That will encourage them to come back and share it with a friend. People a part of a fun community feel great when they share it with others.